campipork para tontos

campipork para tontos

Blog Article

One of CANPIPORKs´ main value and the key of our success is our human team, which gathers a huge and multidisciplinary professional profile, working together in an unique project to reach an unique goal: Providing our customers the best and largest variety of Iberian Pork products, with all the quality, security and food traceability guarantees.

Promote the organisation of the production sector and give our members access to national and international markets

You Chucho buy Assortment Of Sliced Iberian Guijuelo Canpipork 200 Gr. in our online store paying by credit card, paypal and bank transfer, you can also receive it at your own home. We will send you the product of the brand with the maximum guarantees. You will also have 15 days to make any return.

La Covatilla III se encuentra a 10 km de la periodo de esquí de La Covatilla y ofrece servicio de arriendo de equipos de esquí. Este establecimiento se encuentra en La Hoya, en la sierra de Béjar.

Estamos ubicados en Guijuelo, la cuna del jamón ibero. Nuestros productos sufren un proceso de curación natural óptimo gracias a la proximidad de la Sierra de Béjar y a su microclima privilegiado de

CANPIPORK is a food company whose main activity is the production and manufacturing of Iberian pork products. We are characterized by having a high quality standard and one of the largest varieties of Iberian products on the iberian market.

"Somos clientes de Axesor desde hace más de 10 abriles y estamos muy satisfechos con el servicio prestado. El hecho de poder contar en todo momento con información actualizada sobre nuestros clientes, nos permite anticiparnos a situaciones de morosidad y evitar impagados."

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Strengthen our brand image and use the quality of our products to differentiate it from the competition

CANPIPORK is located in Guijuelo (Salamanca), the birthplace of the Iberian Jam. Our products are exposed to the best natural curing process due to the website proximity to the Béjar Sierra and its privileged microclimate (Cold and dry winters and mild and short summers).

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• Ensure the highest Animal Welfare in all our livestock farms and guarantee the enviromental protection to keep safe the natural resources and play down the enviromental impact in our activities.

Tras la reunión, CCOO mantuvo su queja frente a la falta de compromiso de la dirección de la empresa, a la hora de resolver un proceso de cuota Efectivo en tres ó cuatro meses para regularizar las nóminas que se les debe a los trabajadores.

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